Saturday, August 24, 2013

Reading Yahoo! News

Last July 2013 Yahoo had top score for website traffic. It had 196.6 million unique visitors while Google had a close 192.3 million visitors. Both company become top 1 regularly. People perceive that Google is leading more in searches but the margin  This is to say that Yahoo is very relevant to today's life. The main difference between Google's and Yahoo's home page is that the former features a search engine while the latter features News articles.

 As a search engine Yahoo is not as popular as Google (Google comes in 1st with 67% of the share while Yahoo comes in 3rd and has 11.3% of the share ) but Yahoo is famous for its news program. Yahoo! News has become a community where people read the news. People are informed of current events and see what going on through Yahoo. Google is the best search engine while Yahoo is the best news media outlet.

Yahoo! News categorizes news article into national, international, entertainment, sports, business, lifestyle, science, and Pop culture. This categories are written from numerous sources most international and local news are usually written by associated newspaper and journalist, but other areas of Yahoo! News are contributed by regular people who have signed up the Yahoo! Contributor sign up. Being a contributor provides an outlet to be heard, to improve ones writing skill, and to be paid. Although being a writer can come from any walk of life like a students essay, specialist, free-lance writers and bloggers Yahoo has a criteria to be followed so that Yahoo! News maintains a certain standard.

A Yahoo article must be unique, relevant, engaging, informative, proofread, and well cited. Personal experience and observation is that Yahoo has lot of informative news but some of its articles do not appeal to some readers. Usually for being about pop culture people love to bash such as Twilight, Justin Bieber, and 50 shades of Grey. They are also informative "How to articles" like problems in a relationship, sex, better body, and food that get mixed response because people either people find them useful or sometimes to cliche and overused.

Health, Science and gadget news would always talk of the so-called next big thing recent like discovery of a new bacteria or new ways doctors treat patients for health news. Science would always talk of things like the discovery of the "God particle", new heavenly bodies or genetic discovery of a new DNA. Gadget news is usually about the Iphone, then Samsung and then about better internet access. Another aspect would also be human interest stories that inspires readers due to the bravery and experiences of people. People write about this stuff because they are popular topics. And people love this stuff more because they are more informed by Yahoo.

Aside from the contributors, commentators are not just readers of the topic. Commentators participate in the discussion by voicing-out their concerns in the comment section. Priority is given to people whose comment is well liked by others and also most replied meaning more people read the popular comments. Comments that turn-off people are blocked by Yahoo. Yahoo use to block the comment section from 2006 to 2010 citing comments degraded the site. This is true sometimes when comments are mean for bashing and flaming. People demanded the comment section to be reinstated citing that removing it was a disregard of the first amendment.There was a very strong desire from the audience — which is an engaged audience which has something to say — to interact with the news site at a much more profound level - Mark Walker. The comment section offered a place for readers to have a say on the topic and discuss about it. It creates an active audience where readers can critique the articles. It is a basis for the community in Yahoo because without it people would have to write another article to counter an article they disagree. The comment section provides a space where ideas are not stagnant but is engage in a discourse Although sometimes comments are about lousy jokes, spams, hateful comments and random ranting. Other times it is thought-provoking, witty, inspiring and helpful. People also get to know the author by searching the author in Yahoo. There is also a sense of anonymity in the comments since people commentators are only as good as there words and people up vote or down vote depending on what they think of the comments. People are most likely anonymous except when people show their information such as pictures and bios in their profile or when someone makes a bad comment that starts a manhunt such as the case when a commentator wanted people to drown in a certain typhoon. People posted her profile around the internet. Yahoo comments in general is a congregation of thoughts a place where people voice their opinions.

People are not just concerned with popular culture such as Kim Kardashian but also about Political elections except Kim Kardashian was searched more often than Politics. People cared about the elections, hurricane Sandy, Gas Prices, Colarado shoot-out, SOPA and KONY last 2012. People compare and talk about the economic status of there country in the forums. Some people discuss whether the authors idea in finances is feasible, good or bad. People also discuss their own financial agenda, problems, and solutions. Most US economic topics would be about real estates and stocks. Americans discuss how they dislike real estate agents costing and causing the recession. Others comment on the high standard of living Yahoo articles show by commenting how unlikely they are to afford celebrity homes or have help from government packages.

Philippine topics in economics as of now are often about government corruption such as the pork barrel scams, Jeanne Napoles and Poverty and the economic growth in the Philippines. Well in the Philippines economic, social, and political go hand in hand. Articles can be summarized in this statement. Even with economic growth, Philippines still suffer in poverty because government officials are inefficient and corrupt. Any news about China results in the Philippine community cursing the Chinese for taking Spratly Island, greed, and China made products. There is rarely comments about economics in the Philippines it always ends with government corruption and politics.

In Yahoo US, topics are more diverse and helpful since it is an international community unlike where only Filipinos visit. is visited by people all over the world. Top Snowden comments in an article involve how a low-level government employee was able to leak classified files and the irony of NSA for accusing someone of spying when in fact NSA was spying too. Political news in Yahoo also talks about the reason why they pick either side. There is a debate happening.  Discussion of society in the US is more broad while the Philippines is usually about the Filipino this is because US has a more diverse ethnic culture. one day its about LGBT movement, the next it could be about African Politics or Indian rape. It is interesting to note top searches in the US involved (1) election, (2) iphone 5, (3)kim kardashian, (4)kate upton, (5)kate middleton, and (6)whitney houston. This shows us the things Americans care about which is politics, Female celebrities, and the Iphone. People do care about politics in the Philippine news however tends to spotlight one news and repeating it endlessly such as the case of NFA rice before and Jeanne Napoles as of now.

Yahoo! News is a good place to be informed but it does have its tendency to report on things that it views as a hot topic as of now in order to get more hits since a few multiplicity of viral news is more likely to have more readers than a lot of unknown news. It is still better however to read news in a more legitimate sources such as news networks and papers since Yahoo tends to attract people in its easy to read format.


Monday, August 12, 2013

My online Identity

Facebook is probably one digital foot-printing to be used in order to identify me. It has a list of my friends, address, and photos. It also lists my interest and like page, but as detailed as this sound I really don't care about my online presence as seen in this picture below. 

(I really don't like to post anything)

The concept of posting things is something I don't understand since Facebook would turn into a public online diary. First of all a diary is suppose to be a private collection for the writers eyes or something someone is to stumble upon once the author is dead. Secondly, an online page as popular as Facebook might not be the best place to write ones intimate thoughts regarding life and friendship. 

I very much value my privacy so I dislike it if I find stolen pictures of myself and judging from my Facebook album there are a lot since I dislike doing selfies.

(I had one because it was a class requirement)

Other things I enjoy doing in the internet is looking for internet humor like 9gag and hugelol but sad to say this sites practically lost its humor in the first 8 months it was created. Looking at this sites now actually makes me sad. still remains funny site with its sarcasm and interesting facts. 

The other thing I enjoy doing in the internet is checking updates and reviews such as movie updates from  IMDB and rottentomatoes. Personally I think IMDB rates by the overall movie while rottentomatoes rates like a teacher who tasks students to write reflection papers. Other sites visited are gamefaq and gamespot inorder to check new games but I don't play games much these days. I also visit yahoo for news and email updates. 

Other hobby I have over the internet is watching movies and series such as those found in and And I also listen to music, and watch comedy from youtube such as game-walkthrough, SMOSH and Video game Highschool from FreddieW.  

I use to enjoy mmorpg but using the school internet these sites are often blocked. I know there are ways like proxifier and such but it really is not worth the effort so I had to let go of the idea of playing any online games. Sometimes I have urges but I just have to keep myself occupied with comedy, humour and real-life. 

In online games I just remain anonymous and enjoy the task of killing people, hunting monster or interacting in sports. Games is a fun way to use the internet. I use to play level-up games such as KOS, Ragnarok, Rose online, crazy cart and Freestyle but dorm internet would not allow me because of the proxy set up.

I dislike how unserious my online presence is. I wish I was more informed like I want to enjoy movies more and actually memorize celebrity names. I want to listen to music and memorize the lyrics but am not like than. I really just watch thing online to pass the time. There is really no method on what sites I visit. It was usually recommended by a friend that is how I get hook to these stuff. I want to learn how to love these things with more zest and not see it as a way to past time. I want to be more sentimental about Social networking sites but I know I do not care for any of these.  

Perhaps this blog revealed to me why I only look for humour. It is because it is a raw human emotion that needs to attachment in order for me to feel it. It is a stimulation of excitement and happiness that is short-term. It doesn't need preparations just a small time for engagement.


Monday, July 29, 2013

It's beauty that captures your attention; personality which captures your heart.--- Oscar Wilde

I would always refer to myself as an old fashioned in terms of the internet since I use this technology but not in the same way as young people. So for this blog I began snooping around the internet to find the reasons on how and why some Youtube personalities become famous. Using this table I found I began reading articles and watching some videos.
(Except for Movies because I don't think that is a person and Rihanna because she's Rihanna)


Smosh is a comedy channel in Youtube currently ranked number one. It is starred by Ian Hecox and Anthony Padilla. It's consists of creative skits and antics about popular culture, antiques include a annual food battle show where Ian and Anthony fights on which is the better food like in the 2012 Food battle it was a competition of Donut and Eggroll to be used as wings, bandages, wedding ring etc. Basically, anything goes. The show ended when a body switcher and a death of Ian in Anthony's body. 

Skits are popular forms of entertainment and Smosh manages to entertain its subscriber. It is similar to skit shows like MadTv or Nickelodeon's All That. Except they're a duo and not a full cast. It also shows skits dedicated to poking fun on popular culture such as Pokemon, Titanic, and Google Glasses. 

(clip looks psychedelic but it's really clear)

First time watching this videos all I can say is that its a funny and creative video. This video carries with it comedy clichés such as a gay German, innuendos such as "eating wieners", and stereotype that some guys could never get a girl. If this was not a comedy video people might have called it racist, perverse, and sexist but Ian and Anthony (Smosh guys) manages to keep the video light and funny.


PewDiePie or Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg is best known for his video game walkthroughs with camera profile on horror games (but includes action and adventure games). Lets Play documents him playing the game along with his reactions and commentaries. He did walkthroughs on Amnesia the Dark Descent and Slenderman. Viewer can join in the fun and thrill of being scared. His fans are commonly known as the "Bro Army." The reason why he is popular is because of his personality which is outgoing and loud. Fans could communicate with him and he talks about his day in Vlogs such as Friday's with PewDiePie. He is someone who gamers and people can relate to. Some fans can be obsessive with him. His fans are known to hate comments on people who criticize him.

 (am not watching this)
                                  (The Thrillz)
His videos are catered to people who have the time and resources to play video games. Not really, since there really are people who are satisfied with the walkthrough. It's playing a horror video game without playing it (basically, you're just watching.) Probably like how a horror movie works (except with more commentaries.)

Jenna Marbles

Jenna Marbles first video on Drunk Make-up tutorial became a viral, and so Jenna Marbles or Jenna Mourney became popular due to her appeal on teenage American girls. She is like the crazy aunt who is still a teenager at heart. She curses a lot and is quite frank but actually she advises young teens about the problems teenagers face such as make-up and dates. She gives videos about "How to"s dealing with people. She is like a teenagers Seventeen magazine except she gives it straight to the point. no euphemisms. 


She attracts a specific group of people who are probably in the American teenage phase of really caring what other people think because of adolescence where peers opinion seems to matter a lot. Their is also a end goal of becoming pretty and to sexually attract guys or stand out from their peers. It is the American teenage life of going-out to party and look good partying. But its not all about the party some of her advice is about dealing with people who you want to please and dealing with people who you want to avoid. ("How to Trick People You look Good" and "How To Avoid Talking To People You Don't Want To Talk To" ) 


In a span of a year,from September 2009 - October 2010 RayWilliamJohnson's or RWJ's subscribers rose from 145,938 to 2,115,547. His platform consist of him showing 3 viral videos that he finds and pokes fun or criticizes the video. He became famous for following this formula which is looking for Videos then blogging about it. As many fans that he has, he also has a lot of hater who argue that he steals viral videos than trolls about it. In addition he constantly makes jokes about squirrel AIDS. His video is likened to the show America's funniest home videos. Their are other stand-up comedians who are funnier than him but he does get the credit for being consistent and persistent in coming up new videos that have laugh out loud moments. He has a large market target that would appeal to a lot of internet users looking for something funny.

He appeals to a large market of Youtube users because his videos is really something a Youtube searcher is looking for which is a viral videos for laughter. Base from the chart above Youtube people are looking for either specific movies or series, music, or just something funny on the internet and RWJ delivers. So instead of having to look over the internet for something funny or viral you can just checkout his channel for updates.


NigaHiga is produced by Ryan Higa, Sean Fujiyoshi, Tim Enos, and Tarynn Nago. They started making videos on lip-syncing on other songs but son expanded to other comedy skits. Ryan Higa never makes dirty jokes. His videos while they are funny also gives an intelligent meaning which could be pondered upon. His comedy is spontaneous easily switching from funny to serious and vice-versa. He even starred in a few films like Ninja Melk, Agent of Secret Stuff, and Ryan and Sean's Not So Excellent Adventure. Each rating 8/10, 7/10, and 4/10 on IMDB. His other comedy's focuses on the stereotypes in todays culture such as his video on How to be Emo and How to be Gangster. His shows are appealing due to his quick wits and fast talking lines.


NigaHiga is basically like Nickelodeon because his show is filled with antics about popular culture. He never relies on innuendos but on the creativity of presenting something the way they are except in a cheesy way of manner. 


Digital Media caters to a variety of people. It has handed the power, knowledge, and discourse from Cable networks or publishing companies to independent internet users who became popular because of the materials they presented. Before comedy was produced in bureaucratic systems such as Nickelodeon, Seventeen, and etc. But in an age where media is much more accessible creative people took it too themselves to post videos about themselves on what being a teenager, gamer, and a comedian is all about. 

Most discussion about race, class, gender, and sexuality are present but they are not really main reason to watch this videos. This videos use markers of real life to poke fun on popular culture and perceptions of reality. On how the relaxed class of gamer turn a leisure activity for the leisure class to a means of earning fame and fortune. On how all of us are actually fuddy-daddies (old fashioned) in our views comedy. We try to grasp what is fun the same way our grandparents sees it.(Except we are probably more inebriated.) It pokes fun on racial stereotypes on how NigaHiga is a ninja because his asian or how RWJ is a hairy troll because of his smart aleck comment or Jenna and her puberty. Basically its all for fun. It never seeks to become a controversy. They just point on the views of our generation regarding our view on society. It is a comedy that seeks to inform but not change. 


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

New Media

      When I was a chiid, before experiencing the influences of television, radios, and internet, life was simple. Fun revolved around hanging-out with other people. I remember me and my siblings did outdoor activities like riding on bikes, playing with mud, caring chickens and burning things.  

 (Not all at ones of course)

    Basically fun revolved on doing things that sounds fun like lets run around the yard, "cool sounds fun." Old media came later on, and sadly being one of the youngest in the family I didn't have control over the remote so I was forced to watch shows such as Marimar and Filipino horror films. With the old media I just had to take in things the way they are presented. There is no judgement whether the show was going to be bad or not. Later on games were like that wherein you have to buy the game and convert it to you own dust collector if the games were bad. There really was uncertainty over culture at those times. Magazine such as the ones below had a purpose before.

      Due to my experience before media influence and old media I realized I reminisce those times where hanging out with my cousins involved playing hide-and-seek instead of video games. So new media. When I first experience the internet this journey would span for my life until this point of time and most likely beyond. I was in Grade Four when I started playing Ragnarok Online. It was a bad addiction. I mean thinking about it right now why would I pay the company to do task such as killing monsters. I seems illogical when I think it in this way but my craving to play MMO stuck with me until third year ... college. I have come to think that the reason people get addicted to these things is that there is a sense of achievement in getting stronger ( for your character of course). Karl Marx would be really shocked to see this predicament wherein people pay to work. The compensation of course is the knowledge that in an alternate reality you are a level 54 knight who care if in real life you just sitting in a chair. Their is an enjoyment in stabbing those Picky and Fire Bolting those Mandragoras for the nth time. There is a real compensation of course in the fun and sense of achievement. A metaphor would be from the book Freakonomics where buying a lotto is financially a stupid investment but it does offer a virtual value wherein a person can imagine scenarios of him winning and spending said imaginary money. There is a joy in imagery. That is why I kind of fear on what is going to happen since time and effort are wasted on virtual items and levels. As an MMO player my addiction even went so far as aiming to be a top player. This was driven by a pride that I could boast on being like a top 10 archer the server this game was not RO of course. There is really value on those virtual goods I remember my cousin selling collected items for 2000php. Hopefully I have retired from MMO's
     I am not criticizing MMO but what I am saying is more of a personal regrets on how I let MMO control me. Instead of being a gamer, I was being played. There is really a different feel between MMO and single-player video games since the social concept actually makes a person integrate themselves more in a game. A person is immersed more.
         The other new media i actively participate is the comments section and ratings. I am just amazed at the ways people respond to things such as videos from Youtube like the one below
funny youtube comment

there are also times when an Uhh Ahh moment happens since the comments are smarter than the actual articles. (Well I think I have maxed the number of pictures available.) What I love about New Media is that there is really a sense of community where people talk to express their ideas. Where I wouldn't have to suffer watching Clash of the Titans because I failed to check IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes. People in the internet really want to say something which they could tell honestly since nothing bad will happen to them when they (subjectively )tell it how it is because of anonymity. That really is the beauty of New Media where in a forum of sorts happen and people can talk. Like young people are often treated with respect in a restaurant not because they are the best customers but because of the advertisement they offer in tweets and comments about the restaurant. 

      In the end I have to agree with the new culture of the forum-like discussion and comments about the new media since it tells a article in a perspective that differs from the author. There is a think tank of discussions that really seems logical. MMO however I have to accept this fact perhaps the real problem is really how I deal with the games. I should play more for fun and not for the virtual items. I may have enjoyed the past when I did not recognize the medias before but now I am not a kid so I have to grow-up to the times. Engage myself more in tweets and comments there is really a bountiful nuggets of wisdom all over the internet.  

Sources image,r:15,s:0,i:122&iact=rc&page=1&tbnh=183&tbnw=227&start=0&ndsp=17&tx=133&ty=98,r:1,s:0,i:82&iact=rc&page=1&tbnh=199&tbnw=221&start=0&ndsp=18&tx=78&ty=68



Monday, July 1, 2013

Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door - Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Technology continues to evolved one such device is the beloved tailed gadget the mouse. In 1964 Douglas Engelbart made the first mouse that looked liked the image seen below. It had roller to input up and down commands.

The History of the Computer Mouse

        The Ball type mouse was only invented in 1972 by Bill English which allowed the mouse to move in any flat direction. The problem was cleaning the dirty balls the often jammed the mouse controls. The image below shows how a typical ball mouse works. Where the mouse movements causes the X-axis and Y-axis to represent the balls movement which is refracted by the LED which the sensors can pick up in order input mouse movements.
computer mouse parts
      Optic mouses would be developed on 1980 but it would only be in 1998 wherein Optic mouses would gain popularity since microcontroller technology would made the Optic mouse cost-efficient. The Optic mouse main difference is the usage of LED to capture movement, prisms to redirect the light to a camera, and a camera to translate the light movements into codes. The image below shows the difference between the two mouse.

   Most mouse production and manufacturing of mouse has been outsourced or produced in Asia such as Acer for Taiwan, Amkette for Bangalore, Sony for Japan and other Chinese Company for China. The competition in the mouse industry is though because there is a demand for high quality and cheap mouse at the same time improvement of the mouse industry is fast-paced. Wherein aesthetics, ergonamics, mouse sensitivity or DPI needs to be accounted for to sell a mouse. Sad to say even Razer is made in China. I was able to find a forum link a person selling a mouse made in Germany but it costs around $64. And basically China imports mouse goods such as computer components and plastic from many countries. China imported $45.8 Billion of Electronic equipment from Japan, following $24.8 Billion from South Korea, $14.3 Billion from USA and $10.5 billion from Germany. China basically imports a lot of things from other country but at the same time it uses these technology to produce end products. The products are basically produced in China which are then transported to different companies such as Apple, Ngenius, Logitech and Razer. 
    In terms of the impact of computer mouse to the economy the effect is negligible since the truth is a mouse is just a peripheral object compared to say computers and tablets. The truth is no one buys a mouse without buying a computer. Most if not all companies produce other gadgets along with the mouse. If a company were to sell only a mouse their technology would lag behind since new features and capabilities continually  being added. There is no perfect mouse. The mouse is just a small part of the computer industry but it''s peripheral value is actually the lesson. 
    China may do a lot of research but in truth it is focused on its manufacturing, meaning it does not seek innovation but finished products which can be in turned sold in masses. China goods were/are seen as inferior goods. Producing cheap mouse is easy to do but then China starts producing state of the art mouses then they move on to Tablets such as Huawei brands. China is slowly becoming a technological powerhouse. It shows that China may be producing peripheral goods but in reality their import and export products beg to differ.
      China is one of the most capitalistic country in the world because of the way they produce, manufacture than reinvest their capital. The mouse is actually a metaphor on how technology continues to develop at the same time they are finished products that may seem cheap at first glance but sooner or later the value rises up. Mouse are not really products that we need but make the way we use the computer easier. Capital states would emerge where that a peripheral state could do so well that reinvesting in importation and exportation can raise the economy.

